1st Individual MCR Duplicate Format Practice Session in Canada
On Sunday March 18th, 16 MCR players from GTA (Great Toronto Area) Ontario tried on the Individual MCR Duplicate Format.
From MIL website, Duplicate Format of mahjong, as a kind of mahjong competition format which is rich in competitiveness, indicates that different players play the same hand under the same conditions, and compare their points. In Duplicate Format of mahjong, starting hands for different players sitting in the same direction are completely the same likewise the tiles to be taken. Duplicate Format adopts horizontal scoring which means comparing point of player’s hand with the average point of this hand, and convert the point difference to IMP (International Match Point) by rule to calculate rankings.
CMF thanks all participants! Even this practice session was not successfully completed due to players’ seating errors in the last round and the time was running out, it has gained a lot of experience. Learn from mistakes and believe the next session would be done well!